Measurements with TCD in the area of cognitive and functional brain performance may provide early detection of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Also, the use of Doppler sonography could be a reliable method not only to detect the onset of Dementia or Alzheimer's disease, but...

The 2022 ESNCH was held in Lisbon, Portugal. The scientific program presented results of new studies confirming ultrasound as a powerful tool in the hands of users. There are good news and activities from the society, which surely will set landmarks in the global landscape of...

Examination with 16 MHz Doppler probe, passed through the endoscope evaluated the direction, waveform and amount of blood flow. Endoscopic diagnosis with 16 MHz is safe and allows identification of higher-risk varices, detection of penetrating varices, support of appropriate hemostasis, and evaluation after hemostatic treatment....